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Fathers Day Virtual 5K

Sat June 20 - Sun June 21 Columbia, SC 29208 US


Due to much lower than expected numbers, we will not be hosting this event.  Full refunds have been issued to all registered.  


1100 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC US 29208


Father's Day 2020 will be unlike any Father's Day our generation has seen.  Younger children who are able to socially isolate with their Dads have been enjoying the extra one on one time.  Yet so many of us are separated from our Dads with no clear idea on when we might be able to reunite.  The 2020 Father's Day Virtual 5K is a chance to find a common goal, and virtually celebrate, with our Dads during these unique times. 

Part of the Mother's Day - Father's Day Virtual 5K Challenge, the 2020 Father's Day Virtual 5K is open to everyone as a chance to celebrate our mothers and fathers in the name of socially responsible fitness.  If you are a father, or if you have ever had a father, we welcome you to join us the weekend of June 20/21 and run (or walk) a 5K with your dad or in honor of your dad.  And if you are a dad, thank you for everything you do to make the world a better place!

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