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GTC Rabbits Youth Running Group-Spring Session

Mon March 10 - Mon April 28, 2025 Greenville, SC 29601 US Directions


GTC Rabbits Youth Running Session-Spring

$50 5:15PM EDT - 6:15PM EDT Registration ends April 28, 2025 at 6:15pm EDT
Open to ages 7 - 14.


Greenville High Track, Cleveland Park, or Unity Park. Please email for location information.
Greenville, SC US 29601


The GTC Rabbits is the Youth Running Program for the Greenville Track Club. The mission is to provide an opportunity for young people to become involved in the world's oldest fitness endeavor.


The program will be directed and coached by Ashley Lavelle, an experienced middle school, high school, and college cross country and track coach. Ashley is a longtime Greenville Track Club member and is currently serving on the board of directors. Ashley will be accompanied by some amazing volunteer coaches: Alison Parris, Brandon Dugar, and John Hatfield, who also share a love of running and educating the youth. All coaches/volunteers are safe sport certified.

Rabbits Spring Session Information:

The Rabbits’ running group is FREE to Greenville Track Club members! If you are not a GTC member, you can purchase a family membership for $25 here:


Other Details: 


-The “Rabbits” include ages 7 through 14 years old 


 -Each child will receive: 

  • Expert coaching
  • Regular group practices 
  • Rabbits Singlet
  • An opportunity to hear from a variety of guest speakers in the community who will discuss proper running form, nutrition, race strategy, stretching/strengthening exercises, etc.

-The group will focus on essential running basics, while also having fun. The group’s main focus this spring will be track! There will be an opportunity to run in several track meets at Eastside High School and the Reedy River 5k on April 19th. (More details to come!)


-Participants should bring their enthusiasm for running, proper running shoes, and hydration to each practice.


-It is highly encouraged that parents are present at all running sessions, to assist with child/children should any issues arise.


For the spring session, the Rabbits will meet Monday and Thursday evenings at 5:15pm beginning March 10 and “running” through April 28th. 


The location of the practices will rotate between Cleveland Park, Unity Park, and Greenville High School.  Ashley will email the parents each week with the specific practice location. Please contact Ashley at for any specific questions. 


$50 or free to current Greenville Track Club members. Adult guardians, if they don't already have one, are encouraged to obtain a GTC family membership before registering to receive the $50 discount. Family memberships $25 for one year.


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