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UltiMutt Anywhere Challenge

Sat August 1 - Thu December 31 Greenville, SC 29601 US Directions


UlltiMutt Anywhere Challenge Options

12:00AM EDT
Events: Just the "UltiMutt Anywhere Challenge" UltiMutt Anywhere Challenge + T-shirt, dog bandana Do Good Option: everything in the $35 option + a $25 donation to GVL Animal Care!

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at http://WWW.ULTIMUTTRACE.COM.


Anywhere, USA
Greenville, SC US 29601


UltiMutt Anywhere Challenge is to complete 100 miles & 10 obstacles with your dog by the end of 2020!
Our "DoGood option" benefits the medical & immediate care needs of adoptable animals at Greenville Animal Care, the largest open intake shelter in Greenville County, SC! 

The 100 Miles: How you choose to break up your daily mileage is up to you and your dog! Your miles can be run anywhere and uploaded to the race website.  
*PLEASE BE ADVISED: You may complete some (or all) of the 100 miles without your dog. It's never permissible to subject a dog to the summer heat, warmer temps that may exist even after sunset, or other dangerous conditions. Dog breeds vary and if you are unsure, please consult with your veterinarian to determine the ability of your dog to exercise in various environments. 

The Ten Obstacles: Get Creative! All obstacles can be replicated with household items in your own backyard or a local park.  Follow our Facebook & Instagram for our How-To Obstacle Training Videos.  Here are the 10 obstacles:

1.    EASY: Triple Hurdle Jump- dog & human pair must jump over a horizontal object, such as a broomstick resting over two chairs, three times in a row 
2.    EASY: Dog Carry-human carries their dog 100 meters- for dogs under 50 lbs. human must wear a backpack with the equivalent weight in it. 
3.    EASY: 20 Doggone Sit Ups- human must perform 20 sit ups while holding dog against chest or upper body 
4.    EASY: 20 Doggone Squats- human must perform 20 squats while holding dog. 
5.    EASY: Doggone Stairs- running up and down flight of stairs with dog. Human must complete the steps as a dog would on all fours.   
6.    EASY: Reverse Dog Sled-this time the human pulls the dog in a sled as far as pup wants to go, find a wagon, wheelbarrow, or simply a blanket on a hardwood floor will work
7.    MEDIUM: Longest Belly Rub pair must crawl for the length of 100 feet. Get creative and crawl under an object, try affixing a tarp or bedsheet to 4 chairs. Or by stringing a rope across a series of objects/ trees, then crawling under. 
8.    MEDIUM: Weave Poles-pair must weave in between at least 6 objects without fault in order to achieve this obstacle. try using poles, water bottles, buckets, or cones
9.    ADVANCED: Pup Ups-Human performs push ups as your dog mirrors your action by lying on his belly when you go down and sitting or standing when you go up.  This is an advanced obstacle and may take some patience, but worth it. 
10.  ADVANCED: Push ups to High 5's - Dog and human in push up position face to face.  While human goes down for the push up, the dog lays on belly in down position. When human pushes up, the dog raises to sitting position and extends paw to human's hand to give "a high 5".  Yes, we saved the best and most difficult obstacle for last.  

Option 1: No cost required. Complete the mileage and obstacles for a good ole fashioned pat on the back or scratch behind the ears!
Option 2: $35 scores you an UltiMutt Challenge Finisher's Tee & dog bandana! "100 miles, 10 obstacles, 6 feet, 2gether"
Option 3: $55 scores you an UltiMutt Anywhere Challenge with Finisher's Tee & dog bandana, and includes a $25 donation to GCAC shelter!

2020 has been quite a year, but overcoming obstacles is what UltiMutts do best! Let's conquer this challenge together and help some local shelter animals in the process! Register today! 

How To Report Mileage & Completed Obstacles:

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at



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