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WIN 2022 Scholarship Walk - Virtual & In-person!

Wed April 20 - Wed May 4 Greenville, SC 30097 US


2022 WIN Scholarship Walk

1:00AM EDT - 1:00PM EDT


WIN Virtual or in Greenville!
Greenville, SC US 30097


Please join us for our annual Scholarship Walk.  Complete a 1 mile walk and contributing to the WIN Scholarship Fund virtually or during the annual conference on May 4.

WIN is committed to financially supporting females who demonstrate their desire to excel in the field of Collision Repair. We offer a variety of scholarships and financial awards that will provide tuition assistance, educational opportunities, and enrichment events to qualified applicants. In addition, each scholarship recipient receives a one-year membership to WIN to further support their journey and provide a sense of community as they pursue their goals.

WIN currently awards the following Scholarships: 
The College Student Tuition and Conference Scholarship Award is presented to students enrolled in a post-secondary collision repair technology program. Each scholarship recipient will receive a $1,000 scholarship to continue their post-secondary education in collision repair. Some recipients may also receive an expenses-paid invite to our annual conference.

To learn more or apply for the scholarship, go to

Please do not forget to register for our annual Conference taking place May 2-4, 2022.  Conference Registration will open March 1.

Crowd Notice & Release

Please note that any photographs or video from/taken at this event may be used for such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content in WIN publications, collision industry publications, and/or other related products and services.  As part of registering for this event, you agree that the Women’s Industry
Network (WIN®) may use such images with or without your name attached and in accordance with any lawful purpose.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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