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Michelob Ultra 95 Mile Challenge

Mon January 11 - Mon February 15



The Challenge has started! 

Michelob ULTRA is the Superior Light Beer brewed for those who understand that it’s only worth it if you enjoy it. Containing only 95 calories and 2.6 carbs. Take your time or ramp it up by competing in the 95 Mile Challenge, but don’t forget to keep track of your progress. Share a selfie and let everyone know you are a part of the #95MileChallenge. Make Sure to tag @SoEagleSC too. Keep up the good work & cheers! 

95 Miles

How It Works

You’ll have one month month to walk, jog, or run (or even skip!) the distance of the virtual course you selected. Track your mileage through this website as you go, and once you’ve reached your course distance, the challenge is complete. Keep in mind that the virtual courses below aren’t the actual routes you’ll be taking; but if you complete the challenge it’s be as if you walked or ran from Charleston to Columbia SC. 

Prizes! Prizes! Prizes!

All participants over the age of 21 will be entered into a drawing to win prizes ranging from cases of the new Michelob Ultra Organic Seltzer to the grand prize of a Michelob Ultra Garmin 45 Forerunner Watch. 



See the CDC's recommended guidelines on physical activities. Make sure to follow the safety guidelines in your area when exercising outdoors.


Connect with fellow challengers around the country and keep up to speed with what's going on during the Michelob Ultra 95 Mile Challenge! Be sure to join our Facebook Group, MICHELOB ULTRA 95 Mile Challenge!





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