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Run for Their Lives! Virtual 5k

Sat June 20 - Sun June 21 Spearfish, SD 57783 US


Wherever You Are
Spearfish, SD US 57783


This is our annual 5K event, gone virtual!  By continuing to practice our social distancing, we can help protect our communities and our families, but we can still remember our children together, even when we're apart!

Here's how it will work:  You register by May 31st at the latest. We'll send you your race t-shirt that includes the list of children remembered on the back.  Anytime during the Father's Day weekend (June 20-June 21) you put in your 3.1 miles, wearing either your team tshirt or your race tshirt.  You can walk, jog, or run...inside, outside, uphill or down!  We'd love to have you help us build that sense of community by sending us your sweaty selfie!  Share photos and comments about your virtual race experience and the children you are remembering. We'll have a Facebook group to share our photos and thoughts with the community. 

If you'd like to submit a time, you can email those to and we'll post a list so you can see how you stack up. This is all on the honor system. 

Awards are tricky to do without the uniformity of courses and conditions, so the only award we'll be doing is one for the team with the largest number of participants!  The cool think about a virtual event, is your team members can participate from wherever they are, however far away they are! 

Again, all proceeds will go to support Lach's Legacy, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that is working in the fight against SIDS.  We aim to provide comfort, connection, and hope to newly bereaved families, as well as promote SIDS and safe-sleep awareness, and support SIDS-related research. 

Race Contact Info

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