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Resurrection Run

Sat April 16, 2022 Directions



12:00AM EDT

Unknown Participants

12:00AM EDT


Parking in the Maryville High School parking lot at 825 Lawrence Avenue, Maryville, TN.


Scenic loop course running through the historic Maryville residential area.  This is our 9th Annual event, always on the Saturday before Easter.  Many runners have commented that this run is their favorite in the local area.  The 1 Mile Fun Walk incorporates use of the Maryville Greenway Trail which parallels scenic Pistol Creek.  

FaceBook Page (Click Here)

Check Out and Like our FaceBook Page.  Here you can see pictures from previous events, comments and news items.

Course Map

5K Course Map


Awards will be given to 60 different runners in the following breakdown:  First Place Overall Male and Female; First Place Masters (age 40+) Male and Female; First, Second, and Third Place Male and Female for age groups: under 12, 12-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+.     Door Prizes will be given to various participants from a random drawing.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Family Promise of Blount County

All of the proceeds of this event go to Family Promise of Blount County, a local charity which coordinates to provide temporary housing for families in need. From previous events, we have provided a cumulative amount of over $145,000 to this wonderful organization.

Mail In Registration Form

Note:  Online processing fees are at least 40% less if you register two or more participants under one transaction!

If you would prefer to register via our manual mail in form, please use the following PDF form.  Please feel free to print and share with others.  


Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.



Parking in the Maryville High School parking lot at 825 Lawrence Avenue, Maryville, TN.


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