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Sound of Seymour Fun Run

Sat September 30, 2023 Seymour, TN 37865 US Directions


Sound of Seymour Fun Run

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

Sound of Seymour Fun Run


732 Boyd's Creek Highway
Seymour, TN US 37865


Thank you for supporting the Seymour High School Band and Colorguard by signing up for our Fun Run 5K! As many of you know, band fees and expenses can be extremely costly; your race registration fees will go directly towards paying not only individual student fees, but also finance the cost of newer instruments, equipment, and expenses associated with competitions and travel. The Seymour High School Band and Colorguard regularly participate in Bands of America Regional, WGI National, ETPAA Regional, and various local competitions time and time again--often competing against nationally renowned, well established band programs with great success. These competitions can be expensive, but we are thankful to have Band Directors that not only allow, but encourage all students, regardless of his/her financial ability, to participate in this exciting musical program! Your participation in the 1st Annual Sound of Seymour Fun Run will assist in making this experience possible for all students who wish to be a part of the “Sound of Seymour.” Thank you for your support! We cannot do it without our community! 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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