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AdamsWalk Virtual 5KWalk/Bike/Run 4 the Culture

Sat November 14 - Sat November 21 ANYWHERE, TX 00000 US Directions





This is AdamsWalk Inaugural 5K Walk|Bike|Run for the Culture.


This is a virtual 5K Walk/Run and 15K/ Bike event to highlight the negative future that America has in store for so many of our young black men.


Statistics show that young black men as early as 9 years of age suffer harsher sentences for petty crimes and face greater rates of imprisonment; not to mention the high unemployment rates that are a direct result. Just sign in to your social media platform and you have clearly seen that our young black men are more likely to be killed because of people's own racial biases. All of these factors hit our youth hard and make it challenging for them to believe they have any future at all. Young black men live day to day with very little expectation that life will get better and that the limited conditions they know today are UNFORTUNATELY the conditions they will live with for the rest of their lives.

AdamsWalk wants to give hope in a world of hopelessness and light in such dark times. Help us end the destruction of our future, let's come together For the Culture.


Registered participants will receive a finisher's medal and bib to commemorate your support of this worthy cause! AdamsWalk Run 4 The Culture 5K t-shirts can also be purchased.

(Note: T-shirts only guaranteed if purchased by November 7th. So, register NOW!)

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