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The FLR Quarantine Hustle #2

Fri May 1 - Fri May 15 College Station, TX 77845 US Directions


College Station, TX US 77845


Welcome to The FLR Quarantine Hustle!

Hey all!  In these complicated times, we have decided to do a little different type of virtual event.


We are going to add up all of your runs over 2 weeks!


We will renew the event every 2 weeks till we can start having normal races again!  We will keep up a leader board of who has completed the most distance during each block to keep everyone motivated.


There will be 3 registration options:
1) I want a medal in 2 weeks!
- We will had out medals for Half Marathon, Marathon, 50K, and 50 Miles.  We will have belt buckles for 100k, 100Miles, 18Hours and 30Hours. (Hours will include biking but distance will only be running)


2) I want a discount!
- You will receive a future discount to be used on any race you choose once they start back up!  Your discount will be determined by 0.25% for every mile you run or every 3 miles you do on your bike trainer. (100 mile = 25% discount!.  300 miles biked = 25% discount.  50 miles running+ 150 miles biked = 25% discount, I chose easy calculations but you get the point)


3) I just want to donate!
-This is actually a free option.  If you want to be included in the leader boards to give you some motivation, this is where you go.  You will have the option to donate some but I know there are many people who are out of work without money to spare and I wanted to give you an option to be a part of this without the obligation of money.  There is an option to donate if you want to contribute a few dollars to support FLR during this time.



Simply email your daily progress and the leader board will be updated nightly.  We will post running/walking, cycling and total time running/walking.

If you are a member of Strava, you can just join our group.  I will update our community board based off of your updates there.

There are several options to prove you did the workout: If you are in an area that allows outside exercise, simply send me a link to your Strava or whatever you use.  If you don't have GPS, MapMyRun has some great options to map your course.  If you are on a treadmill or bike trainer, just send a picture of your treadmill or bike computer.  There is a lot that is honesty based in these events and I expect everyone to respect each other and keep it honest!


I have taken my time choosing a format I felt comfortable with along with the guidance of some of my closest advisers/friends.  This is a very hard time for race companies as many of us are having to cancel races and eat a lot of cost accrued way before race day even happens.  I encourage everyone to continue to support any races they have signed up for to minimize their losses so they can continue to be there for you once this is all over.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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