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Family and Friends Fun Walk

Thu September 10 - Sat October 31 Houston, TX 77056 US


5100 Westheimer Road Suite 200
Houston, TX US 77056


Every 9 seconds someone is abused and over 47 new clients enter the office monthly for assistance from Fresh Spirit Wellness for Women.
We need everyone’s support!

Fresh Spirit Wellness for Women’s, Inc. Non non-profit organization invites you to join us in the support of victims in the walk against Domestic Violence.
“Family and Friends Fun Walk” is to bring men and women who are against the cruelty of domestic violence.

  1. Women come out and Walk alongside the men who are supporting us.
  2. Men join the Walk if you are against domestic violence and the mistreatment of your daughter, sister, mom, or aunt.
  3. Women build your team of “Amazing Men Walkers” to Walk on your behalf or someone you know and loves behalf. (8 or more)
  4. Men become a “Hero Walker” and invite (8 or more female friends) to come out and support you and walk.
  5. Special recognition given to the men who REGISTER FOR THE “Put Yourself in “HER SHOES” contest and Walk in ANY TYPE OF WOMEN’S SHOE EXCEPT ATHLETIC SHOES, FLIP FLOPS OR FLAT SANDALS And Award and Prize to the winner!

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