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RHRS Virtual Makeup

Tue May 1 - Mon May 28 Houston, TX 77064 US Directions


7575 North Sam Houston Pkwy W.
Houston, TX US 77064


The Run Houston! Race Series includes five 5k, 10k, and kids 1k, events throughout the Houston area. The first event of the Series is on January 1st each year. This year, we are allowing virtual makeups for the first two races in the Series, Run Houston! Sam Houston Race Park and Run Houston! Minute Maid Park, for those who may have missed one of the first two events but still want to complete the entire series. 

Runners completing the virtual event will received: 

  • Race medal
  • Events shirt (based on limited size availability)
  • Credit for completing the event towards their Series Finisher items

Space is limited based on the amount of remaining medals for each event and event shirts will be included until the inventory is depleted. 

This is a VIRTUAL RACE where you will complete the run(s) on your own and you must follow the instructions found at to receive your race items. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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