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Go the "Social Distance" - Virtual - Mile / 5k / 10k / Half

Fri May 1 - Sun May 31 New Braunfels, TX 78130 US


New Braunfels, TX US 78130


Go The "Social Distance" Virtual Mile / 5k / 10k / Half is a FREE run/walk designed to keep our community inspired to exercise and encouraged to engage socially online while we are safer at home. Gather your family and friends (virtually), follow social distancing rules, and have fun competing for bragging rights and recognition on the Das Rec social media as the fastest social distancer.

How it works:

1. Create a RunSignup Account and register online May 1st. through May 31st (Or log in to your RunSignup Account if you have already participated)

2. Complete a race between May 1st through May 31st by walking or running. You can use a free app like Strava or Runkeeper (that will show your distance, time your mile/5k/10k/ or Half and let you screenshot your race route) or just time yourself participating in the correct distance. You can run/walk/jog in your neighborhood or on your favorite trails, anywhere you want including using a treadmill if you have one at home. (please check local news about access to specific parks, as some areas may be closed) CITY RUNNING GROUP:

3. After you complete your mile/5k/10k/Half login to your account and report your results before May 31st at 11:59pm - send screenshot of time with name here: Time Approval 

4. Post your route screenshots and race selfies on our Facebook page and/or tag us (@dasrecnb) in your social media posts so we can cheer you on!

5. This is a FREE event, there will not be a packet pick-up

6. You can participate in one event or all the events (signup separately) 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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Race Participant Survey

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