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My Place to Race - 40 Day Challenge

Mon March 17 - Fri April 25, 2025


First Place For Health believes in the power of Christ to ignite radical, transformative change in our lives, which includes our physical health. We challenge you to take a 40-Day VIRTUAL TREK to walk hand-in-hand through the peaks and valleys of our road to physical wellness–however that may look–together. Within 40 days your mission is to travel 40, 80, 120 or more miles in the name of physical and spiritual wellness.  You can take this trek on foot -- run, jog, or walk on the road, on the trail, on the treadmill, at the gym or on the track; or on a bike-- outside or inside.  You can even substitute your favorite exercise activity for miles (20 minutes of activity equals one mile). You get to complete your own race, at your own pace, and time it yourself.


Recruit your family and friends to encourage your efforts with prayer and possibly additional donations.  What better way to keep you motivated to  be active each day than knowing that you are doing good not only for you body and mental health but also for your community.

Each participant gets the following items each with the event logo:

  • A printable race bib
  • An event t-shirt (optional)
  • A race badge (optional)
  • Digital milestone badges
  • A printable finisher certificate
  • Access to our social media community that will keep you motivated
  • That blessed feeling you get for doing something good for yourself and for others


Participants will have access to a website to record their results each day.  Here you will be able to view a leaderboard and see where you stand against others in the challenge. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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