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2019 Dino Virtual Flashback

Sat July 31, 2021 YOUR TOWN, UT 84003 US



Virtual Dino Half Flashback

Did you miss the 2019 Dino Half and race medal? Join us as we Outrun Extinction for the Virtual Dino Half Flashback 2019 and qualify for the Triassic Trifecta medal! The Triassic Trilogy is a three-year race series for 2019, 2020, and 2021. Each year’s medal will feature a different dinosaur from the Triassic period – 2019 was the year of the Tanystropheus!

* The Triassic Trilogy only applies to the Half Marathon, so make sure to register for the Half in 2020 and 2019!

Participants will receive:

  • High-Quality Race Shirt (Limited Quantity)
  • Dino Tanystropheus Medal 
  • Printable Bib Number

International Participants will need to pay additional shipping costs.

The 2019 Dino Medal


2019 Race Shirt


Triassic Age


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Race Website

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Race Participant Survey

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