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The Not Apple Harvest Fest 5 or 10K Run/Walk/Ruck

Race Date: TBD Charlottesville, VA 22908 US


10 K Run _walk

Event Date: TBD

5K Ruck

Event Date: TBD

10 K Ruck

Event Date: TBD

5k Run - Walk

Event Date: TBD


Charlottesville, VA US 22908


Our Annual Apple Harvest has been cancelled due to COVID-19, but that doesn't mean we still can't have a great race.  Each year 100s of youth from the Virginia Headwaters Council start their Apple Harvest Camporee Saturday with a 5K.  This race has also served as an important fundraiser for our local scout programs.

Given all the challenges of COVID-19, we are asking our community to still run either a 5K or 10K in October!  Race entries for non-scouts (sorry scouters this does not include you) and will be $20 including your shirt.  Scout entries are free and come with your shirt purchase.

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