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Monster Cross

Sun February 15, 2026 Chesterfield, VA 23832 US Directions


Monster Cross 50 Mile

$60 - $100 10:00AM - 10:05AM EST
Events: ProEX Men ProEx Women Men Open Women Open Women 40+ Women 50+ Woman 60+ Men 40+ Men 50+ Mens 60+ Single Speed Men Single Speed Women Junior 19 and under 50 mile Clydesdale 200 lbs+ Tandem 50 mile

ebike 50 mile

$80 10:15AM EST Registration ends February 15, 2026 at 10:00am EST

Monster Cross 25 mile

$60 - $80 10:15AM EST
Events: Mini Monster Mini Junior 19 and under Mini Monster 50+


$80 10:15AM EST Registration ends February 15, 2026 at 10:00am EST

Monster Cross Video


10301 State Park Rd
Chesterfield, VA US 23832


XIII ANNUAL MONSTER CROSS! powered by GroundForce IT

Monster Cross offers a 25 and 50-mile race/ride. 
The course supports cross, gravel or mountain bikes.  Awards are given in over 20 divisions.

Here is what you will receive for your entry:
Race: Chip timed race: either the 50 or 25-mile distance
Post Race Grub:   Lee's Chicken located at the "food" tent post race.
Beverage:  Monster Cross is buying your 1st.  Friends of PSP will be selling beer for spectators and extras as a fundraiser for the park/trails.

Course Map/GPS: Course: Mini=1 lap and full MX =2 lap

Race course

Race Location:
Pocahontas State Park
10301 State Park Rd.
Chesterfield, VA 23832

Awards 50 mile:
Top 3 Pro/Expert M/F are eligible for prize money $400, 250 and 100 for third
Top 8 Pro/Expert M/F receive awards and free entries into Monster Cross 2025
Top 6 finishers in each category M/F receive awards with the 1st place in each category also receives a free entry into Monster Cross 2025

Awards 25 mile:
Top 3 receive awards in each category (jr, open and over 50)

Pro Tip:  Arrive by 8am
.  Too many will try to enter the park between 830 and 9 and the park entrance will get backed up.  It is a one lane road and every car has to stop at the parking station. 
State Park charges $7 parking per carload.  If you have a VA state park permit, please have it on your mirror/dash (they also accept REI receipts for payment) otherwise have $7 handy for quick entry into the park. Once you enter the park you will continue straight on State Park Rd for 1 1/2 miles.  You will run into the parking lot.  Race morning packet pickup will take place under shelter #2 which is located on the left side of the back of the parking lot, as your drive in.

Bathrooms:  There are two separate indoor options at the parking lot.  One is 1/2 way into the parking lot on the right (it is behind the vending machines).  The other is the building located nearest to shelter #2 (were race day packet pickup is located.
Race Start:
Wave 1 Pro/Expert M/F 10 a.m 
Wave 2 All other 50 mile divisions
Wave 3 All 25 mile divisions

Packet Pickup: 

Early packet pickup:  Saturday March 1 2025
Outpost Richmond 4813 Forest Hill Ave Richmond, VA 23225
Your are able to pick up friends and family race packets

Sunday race morning at Pocahontas State Park 8-10am.

Course Distance:
50 or 25  miles on rolling fire roads and double track. 
On all pre-rides: Please do not ride on any trails that state no bikes! We have approval to use two short segments race day only.

Age divisions information: 
For age group divisions we will take your age as of 12/31/2022. So, if you turn 50 in this calendar year, you can enter 50+

Support Station:
We will offer two on-course aid stations and one at the start/finish area.

Presenting Sponsor

Virginia Fun Sponsor

Team Support

Race Series Sponsor

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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Presenting Sponsor
Virginia Fun Sponsor
Team Support
Race Series Sponsor

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