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Ainsley's Angels 10th Annual Spirit Of Inclusion 5K

Sun October 19, 2025 King George, VA 22485 US Directions
Packet Pickup TBD
Countdown to Race Day



$0 - $30 3:00PM EDT
Events: 5K In Person 5K Angel Pusher 5K Athlete Rider


$30 3:00PM EDT
Events: Virtual

Hopyard Harvest Mile

$20 3:00PM EDT - 5:00PM EDT
296 spots left. Registration ends October 18, 2025 at 5:00pm EDT

Hopyard Harvest Half Mile

$20 3:00PM EDT - 5:00PM EDT
296 spots left. Registration ends October 18, 2025 at 5:59pm EDT


Join us for the Hopyard’s Spirit of Inclusion 5k, 1 Mile Harvest Hustle and the NEW Harvest Hustle Half Mile!   This is a fun run in the residential neighborhood Hopyard Farms which is relatively flat with a lot of community support along the way.  We will have our annual costume contest this year and encourage you to dress up and enjoy this race either running, walking, rolling or come out to cheer for a DUO team or your favorite runners!  Our goal is to encourage other athletes on their quest to reach the finish line!




5888 Coakley Drive
King George, VA US 22485

Need Ainsley's Angels Gear??

Looking for Ainsley's Angels gear for race day?? Need a copy of Born an Angel? Check out our Ainsley's Angels Finishline Store full of all kinds of Ainsley's Angels merch!

Take a look back at the Haunted Hopyard 5K!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Do you have what it takes to be an Angel?

Learn more about Ainsley's Angels of America.


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