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Corona Correct

Virtual 2020 Leprechaun Leap 5K

Open to ages 8 - 99.


Food Pantry/Piovano Building
350 Spotswood Drive
Lexington, VA US 24450



Our March 2020 Leprechaun Leap was postponed until September due to the CoronavIrus. September is here with no end of the virus nor opportunity to run a conventional race. Accordingly we have reconfigured the run to a virtual event. Runners are invited to run the course individually or with their pod and report run times when finished.

The Leprechaun Leap 5K Race is sponsored by the Lexington Rotary Club. Proceeds go to the annual Rockbridge Christmas Baskets Program.

Those registrants for the March 2020 run have been automatically registered for this virtual race. Registration for new participants is open and will remain open until the start of the event.   

All participants will receive a T-Shirt. Participants who registered for the March race/run will receive a 2020 T-shirt. Participants who signup in August and September will receive a 2019 T-shirt. Either way, you will receive a great, green T-shirt. 

The run/walk starts and ends at the Piovano Building, 350 Spotswood Drive, Lexington, VA. Runners will leave from the sidewalk in front of the Food Pantry/Piovano Building and proceed North on Spotswood Dr. to Nelson St.  They will then turn West on Nelson St. and proceed to Lee Ave. where they will turn North.  They will cross over Washington St. and enter the footpath on the Washington & Lee Campus and proceed behind Lee Chapel back to Letcher Ave.  They will continue back South down Letcher Ave to Jefferson St.  Runners will continue South of Jefferson St. to White St. where they will turn East.  They will then turn South on Main St. to Waddell St. where they will turn North and pass in front of Maury River Middle School.  They will then turn West on Wallace St. and then North on Taylor St. which they will follow North to the starting point at the Food Pantry/Piovano Building. Be careful!! You will be running independently with no crossing guards along active streets. Running early Saturday or Sunday morning is recommended. 

Over the weekend of the run, at the entrance of the Piovano Building, you will find a race bag with your name and T-shirt. You will also find a map of the course.

TIme your run and report the results to Navigate to the race's RunSignup race page > and select the Result tab > then select Submit Virtual Results.

Runner selfies would be most welcome! Send them to

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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