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Virginia Capital Fitness-- "Easy Like Sunday Morning" Summer Running Group

Sun June 6 - Sat November 6 Richmond, VA 23230 US Directions



Willow Lawn- Lucky Road Running Center
1601 Willow Lawn Drive
Richmond, VA US 23230


Whether you're training for a triathlon, full or half marathon, have a Sunday recovery run, or desire to stay in great shape, VCF's "Easy Like Sunday Morning" running group at Willow Lawn is the place to meet and train this summer. Runners gather at 6:45 am for a quick stretch, 30-second safety reminders, and departing by 6:50 am. Hydration  and supplies provided throughout the 23 Sunday group runs. VCF's second  group run is set for Sunday, June 13, 2021, and last on November 7, 2021. The running distances will vary from week to week. 


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