It's time to Get Muddy! Welcome to the CDR 2020 Summer Fundraiser - The Mud Puddle Challenge!
Because of the issues associated with the pandemic, we have decided to cancel our August 2020 SuperHero 5K and instead invite everyone to "JUMP IN A MUD PUDDLE!"
1. Register yourself, your family/team, or your PETS and set a fundraising goal - ANY AMOUNT!
a. Solicit gifts from friends, family and colleagues to help you reach your goal.
b. Then video yourself, your team or your pets ... JUMPING IN A MUD PUDDLE!
2. Present a Challenge to others to participate
3. Share your video on social media with #cdrmudpuddlechallenge and Tag CDR so we can share it too!
4. Awards will be given out to top fundraisers and the best, most creative videos!
THAT'S IT! So get ready to GET MUDDY!
Challenge Contact Info
Challenge Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your challenge experience.