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Run for the Vaccine

Sat December 19 - Mon May 31 Any City- Any state, VT 99999 US



Anywhere you like
Any City- Any state, VT US 99999


Stay fit and focused while we all wait for the vaccine!

Choose from four different distances including 3K, 5K, 10K or 19K.  The 19K option is a great way to keep your distance training going strong and to use as a build-up for our Chilly Half Marathon!

These virtual events are not just for runners...  Walkers and hikers from as far away as Australia have registered.

All participants will receive: Race bib, buff and finishing medal (pictured to the right). 

Register now, choose your course and complete by 5/31/2021. 

Our charity partner for this event is Camp Ta-Kum-Ta.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



All participants will receive: Race bib, buff and finishing medal.  See bib and medal below.

Click here to see our Amazing Medal



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