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Big Cross 5k Series

Fri August 14 - Mon October 26 Directions


The best place to park is in the lot on the west side of highway 169.


Cross country runners need to have racing in their schedule Fall 2020.  This race series provides a fast, accurate cross country course, that will be marked.  Athletes will be responsible for running the course correctly, and timing themselves accurately.  There will be a way to upload times.  Results will be compiled on following Fridays after the 3 day window to race.  Series leaders and statistics will also be provided.  It is meant to be an individual time trial race, that is safe in our pandemic situation.  Races will be twice per month, August, September and October. 

The race course is currently a segment on Strava: Gator 5k TT

The best parking lot:

Please know that we share the trail with all users, so please be respectful.  Make sure to not run or congregate in large, closely spaced groups.  There are some rocks, and roots on course, watch your step.  It is suggested to pre-run the course before you race it for the first time.

Big Cross XC TT 5k Series is put on by Green River College's Cross Country Coach, Adam Leahy, however it is not a GRC event, it is an "open" event, with no school affiliations.  Special thanks to Matt and Kathy Morrisson for registration and website support, and William Leahy for graphic design.

We are in a learning process in providing and managing these races, so things may change a little bit over the 6 races.  We will add and modify things as we go to make the races better.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Series Leader Boards

See how  you are doing in the overall standings!

Awards from Brooks Sports will be given to the series leaders, (Male 18 and under, Female 18 and under, Male 19 and over, Female 19 and over), you must compete in at least 3 races to be eligible.



Your donations have made it possible to have awards for our individual races, divisions and overall!  Thank you!!!  We will also have series awards for overall and divisions.  Awards for Race 1 and Race 2 will go out together, after the results are final for Race 2.  Our race series is mainly aimed at high school and college cross country runners, awards categories will reflect that.  It is important to also understand, even now that we have some operating budget from donations, we are still trying to do a lot with a little bit as far as the cost of awards.  We hope you like what we have chosen to do:)

Additional donations will again be put back into the race, this is a non-profit.

We received a donation from Fleet Feet Bonney Lake, of Feetures socks!  These are such incredibly good running socks!  These will be incorporated into awards in one way or another.  We do have a variety of sizes, but not a lot on the bigger guys sizes and smaller ladies sizes.  We'll find a way to connect the best size for the people they go out to.  Thanks again to Fleet Feet!

Race Course Photography

Before you race, it is important to run over the course to become familiar with it.  It will be lightly marked on race day, and it will be clear exactly where the start and finish are.  The photos below will give a sense of what the course looks like.

Your race director for Big Cross 5k Series, and Green River XC coach, Adam Leahy (above).  

Please take this seriously, our ability to use the trail depends on it.

This is a view from the Start/Finish.

Sponsors & Contributors

Brooks Sports has made a donation of gift certificates.  Thank you Brooks for supporting us!

Fleet Feet supported us with a great donation of our "P.R. Socks" Features.  Thank you Fleet Feet!

A special thanks to important contributors:

Matt & Kathy Morrisson for giving vital technical support, and promoting to athletes in the community.

Coach Jeff Brady for bringing his support, and recommendation of the event series.


The best place to park is in the lot on the west side of highway 169.


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