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Mon August 1 - Wed August 31 Ellensburg, WA 98926 US



Ellensburg, WA US 98926


Kittitas County Search and Rescue is bringing back our GO THE DISTANCE SUMMER CHALLENGE!  Let's be real. When it gets hot outside, I find myself on the web searching for motivational memes! :) Anyone else doing that?  Next thing you know, your Pinterest board is full, it's now dark outside and your miles get put off until the next day.  Generally, the next day is a web search for healthy recipes, followed by "I am just too busy with chores today."

KCSR volunteers are here to help you get off that cycle in August of 2022! We want you to get outside (safely of course) and get some miles under your belt. So, for August 1 - August 31, 2022, KCSR's GO THE DISTANCE challenge is here for you!  Check out what we came up with!

In our opinion, miles are miles. Whether you are walking, running, hiking, biking, skipping or swimming, or running a conga line through town, however you choose to get those miles in is great. Inside or outside, it doesn't matter.  We love whatever it is that you choose. 

Step 1: In your head, pick a sport (I am a runner). Then during the registration process, you will choose the specific distance that you want to challenge yourself to doing whatever sport you said in your head. (I am a runner trying to push myself, I am going to register for 150 miles for the month of August. It will be tough!). 

  • 31 miles (1 mile per day)
  • 62 miles (2 miles per day)
  • 100 miles
  • 150 miles
  • 200 miles
  • OPEN CLASS (Set your own personal goal to crush!)

Step 2: Join KCSR's Facebook page for the Summer Distance Challenge (link provided upon registration). Here you can post your fantastic photos from your daily excursion, KCSR members will post summer outdoor safety tips, and there of course will be some sort of challenge for extra prizes!


Now, we totally get that there are some people out there that don't want to go outside.  They like the idea, but really see all this running, biking, hiking, etc as a spectator sport. Maybe you have a loved one that is really into hiking, and you love to see the pictures, but you can't actually picture yourself leaving the nice, air-conditioned house.  That's cool, we understand it is not for everyone.  You can make a donation directly to KCSR on our Runsignup page in the amount of the registration fee and join our online group to cheer everyone on!


Proceeds from this event will go toward training opportunities for our volunteers. As you may know, KCSR is made up of 100% volunteers. We offer up our time, money and dedication to be a part of something greater than ourselves. To help those who get lost or need rescued in the remote areas of Kittitas County. Keeping our volunteers up to date with their training is important and we hope to assist with costs associated with courses such as:

  • Medical Courses: EMT, First Aid/AED/CPR,
  • Winter Rescue Courses: Avalanche training (AIARE Level 1),
  • K9 Training Courses: K9 Air Scent, K9 Trailing, K9 HRD,
  • Horse Team Courses: Packing, Air Scent
  • High Angle Rescue Training 

" others may live..."

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