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Navy Birthday Virtual Patriot Run

Tue September 1 - Tue September 22 Oak Harbor, WA 98277 US

Race Website

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Oak Harbor, WA US 98277


Celebrate the US Navy's 245th birthday with a 2.45 mile virtual run!

The Whidbey Island Navy Ball Committee is hosting a Patriot Run to celebrate the US Navy's 245th birthday. All proceeds will benefit the 2020 Navy Ball fund.

Official run dates are Sept 1st - 22nd. You can run the 2.45 miles any time during this time frame to earn your t-shirt. Prizes and bragging rights will be awarded to the top 3 males and top 3 females. To be considered for the prize, submit screen shots of your run using fitness apps such as Strava, Map My Run, or Apple watch data.   

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