Horses & Heroes 100 Challenge
Sorry! This event is full. Registration ends December 31, 2025 at 11:59pm CST
Log your hours or miles to get to 100.
Take as long as you need to reach your goal.
WARHORSE Endurance was established by two veterans, and so it is fitting that the non profit that we are partnering with at this time is one that is helping both horses and veterans.
WARHORSE Endurance hosts several events where riders can log miles and or hours with their horses or on their own. Sometimes we choose an organization to partner with & then we donate $5 per entry fee to that organization. In 2022 we took a poll and the organization with the most votes was Horses Healing Heroes. Horses Healing Heroes is a 501c3 that has a GUIDESTAR Silver Designation for transparency. HHH is located in Herald, CA and as has a program called HEART in which they also help horses who find themselves without a home. They help horses, and in return the horses help the veterans along side the staff of HHH through Equine Assisted Psychotherapy in a positive environment.
Real life rewards.
Not only will you be helping the small business that is WARHORSE Endurance, you are helping Horses Healing Heroes and you will be rewarded in real life by having a commemorative medal mailed to you that celebrates the 100 Challenge. You may choose to log miles or hours for this challenge. Some may choose to log 100 hours of working with their horse, or volunteering 100 hours to an organization. We are here at WARHORSE Endurance to help cheer each other on, to stay motivated and also to promote and support organizations such as Horses Healing Heroes.
Wait! WHAT? 100 Miles? or 100 hours? 100 Miles All at once? No, not all at once, these are called conditioning challenges for a reason, to log those important miles that you accumulate over time with your horses and to reward and motivate you to reach the 100 mile milestone award that recognizes the conditioning miles you accumulate over time with your horse. Some riders may get those miles in a month, another may take a year. It is up to you. There is no end date, we understand that life happens and you may need more time to complete. It is okay.
Completion Awards
-100 Mile Completion medal
-Embroildered patch
Tracking miles. How to? What are my options?
- a fitness app such as Adidas Running
-on a calendar
-In a notebook -post photos/videos/miles in our positive and friendly FB group
*Most importantly we want you to use the way that works best for you and that is comfortable for you. We work on the honor system.
This is not a race. The true winners are you & your horse spending time together gaining experience, fitness, friendship and miles.
Don't live in the USA and still want to join?
We have created a beautiful embroidered patch for overseas participants. The cost to ship a medal overseas is expensive, and so we have the embroidered patches as options for non USA participants. Price includes shipping a medal in the USA only. NON USA partipcants will not receive a medal, unless they agree to pay the additional shipping fees to their country.
Race Contact Info
Earn Ca$h back with the referral program!
Earn back $20 of your registration fee by referring 5 friends (who actually sign up) for the Heroes & Horses 100 Challenge.
Limit of $20 cash back for Heroes & Horses 100 Challenge. 
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