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THE Miler

Sun October 11, 2020 Oconomowoc, WI 53066 US Directions



9:00AM CDT


1400 Oconomowoc Parkway
Chamman Park
Oconomowoc, WI US 53066


You have asked for a miler for a long time and here it is! Super flat and fast. No turns, no roads, nothing stopping a PR!

Please note the address listed is for the fire department adjacent to Chapman Park.

Race Week Info

Race Day Instructions | Course Map

How It Works

This is a chip timed, one mile, all out run! No turns, roads to cross or anything to slow you down. This is a straight shot one mile run starting at Chapman Park and finishing near Valley Road. The Lake Country Trail is wide and paved.

Run right, pass left. When finished, we ask that you walk/run back to the staging area or depart from the event. Please do not congregate at the finish line and maintain social distancing at all times.

If you would like to run it a second time, we will run a second race once everyone has cleared the course.  Please wait in the staging area by your cone. We will give runners plenty of notice for the second event. Of course there isn't a separate charge for it!

Course map


The shirts are gender specific, dry wick and those registered by noon on October 1st are guaranteed a custom race shirt. After that, shirts will be available while online supplies last. Any extra shirts will be distributed after the race on a first come, first served basis. 

Everything you ever wanted to know about shirts can be found right here. The FEMALE shirts run small!

Free Beer Here!

All runners will receive one free beer from SteelTank Brewing Co. The brewery is only a mile from the start line and all you have to do is show them your bib. Their restaurant has outstanding BBQ!

1225 Robruck Drive, Unit A
Oconomowoc, WI, 53066



You do not need to print it. We will need to scan the QR code on the receipt, though, so please have your email accessible on your mobile device or save a picture of your receipt with the QR code to your device’s image library.

Sunday, October 11
8:00am Packet pickup
9:00am Race starts

Aid Station

Because we cannot guarantee a touch-free aid station, there are no aid stations on the course or at the finish line. You should bring your own water.


Parking is available on surrounding streets. Please do not block the fire department for obvious reasons.

Social Distancing

This will be a wave start race. Waves of 10 people will start every 30 seconds. There will be 10 rows of cones with 10 cones per row spaced 10 feet apart. You will self assign your wave on race day by selecting the wave and standing next to a cone. The announcer will start each wave. We ask that people social distance at least 10 feet while in the park and wait until 10 minutes prior to the start before selecting a wave. Your time will not start until you cross the start line. As you make your way from the wave to the start, please continue to social distance by 10 feet.

Face Coverings

Based on our current permits, face coverings are now required at events. Here is how it will work:

Anyone in the “Arena” is required to wear a face covering. The Arena is defined as anywhere other than on the race course. This includes registration, packet pickup, parking areas, finish line, start line, restrooms, beer line, medal line, anywhere near other people. If you are within 10’ of anyone, at any time, a face covering is required.

Once you are on course, face coverings do not need to be worn, provided you are at least 10 feet from another person. At the start, you are spaced 10’ from others - we strongly encourage you to keep that distance. If you need to pass, call out “on your left” and move as far left as you can. Once you have passed a runner and you are at least 10’ in front of them, move back to the right.

We encourage runners to consider using running buffs while running near others. Buffs are available on our merchandise website.

When you cross the finish line, please move outside of the arena for your cool down. Once your cool down is complete, a face covering is again required.

If we want to keep running in person events together (and we do!), it is imperative that we exceed our permit requirements. Waukesha County is one of the few places in America that is open to in person events. It is up to our running community to prove that we can hold events safely. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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