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Old Military Road 5K Run/Walk

Sat July 1 - Sat September 9 Portage, WI 53901 US



Help us support Fort Winnebago Surgeons Quarters by participating in the Old Military Road 5k Run/Walk. 

Come out and walk the levee trail on September 9 in Portage, WI, the path that runs alongside part of the Old Military Road.  With its beautiful views, and discrete path away from traffic, everyone can have a great time. We will welcome everyone - even strollers and our four-legged friends, though runners will be allowed to start well ahead of walkers and strollers will be asked to be among the last to depart.

Check-in at 8:30 AM, start running/walking at 9 AM.

A virtual race option is also available and can be run from any location of your choosing.  You can run, jog, walk, bike, swim… you name it, and be creative.  You get to run your own race, at your own pace!  No need to track your time.  We accept results on the honor system, although participants will be encouraged to post their activity on our Facebook page. Participants can take a picture of themselves or their families as they “race” for FWSQ.

How far is a 5K? 3.1 miles!  However, because we have chosen the levee trail, all parking should be easily accommodated at Riverside Park and the path of the 5K loops back to return to the parking lot. 

The “Old Military Road 5K Run/Walk” will benefit Fort Winnebago Surgeons Quarters.  FWSQ is owned and operated by Wisconsin Society Daughters of the American Revolution.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


300 E Wisconsin St - Riverside Park
Portage, WI US 53901

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