Our mission is to bring joy and support to our families, and the knowledge that we are standing beside them throughout the duration of their illnesses, treatment and recovery.
When serious illness strikes, the entire family is affected. The Jewish Caring Network’s programs, activities, and services are designed to help each family member. All of the vital services we provide are free of charge. Each family’s situation is individually assessed, enabling us to cater to their specific needs. When families feel overwhelmed and alone, the Jewish Caring Network is an organization comprised of caring, compassionate individuals who are sensitive to the unique needs of each individual they help.
2022 in Numbers
- 3,823 Meals Provided
- 475 People are Being Helped Daily on a Long-Term Basis
- 780 Shabbos Packages
- 500 Hours of Tutoring
- 49 Kids to Local and Overnight Camps
- 510 Birthday & Anniversary Gifts
- 595 Holiday Packages
- 423 Toy Packages
- 1095 Visits to Hospitals & Homes
- 111 Women Attended Spa Respites
- 253 Community Volunteers
- 682 Big Brother-Big Sister Outings
- 147 Hours of Counseling
- 943 Participants in the JCN5K Runs
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Because You Care…
You Support, You Donate, You Fundraise, You Volunteer, You Run!
Because You Care, We Make a Difference!
Thank You for Your Support!