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Color Me Healthy 5K

Sat June 4, 2016 Lincoln, KS 67455 US Directions


Color Me Healthy 5K

9:00AM CDT - 11:00AM CDT


City Park
Lincoln, KS US 67455


Color Me Healthy 2016

1st Annual 5K 

brought to you by Live Healthy Lincoln County


Event Information:


Live Healthy Lincoln County is a new organization geared at helping inspire health and wellness in different ways in our community.  

Our 1st Annual 5K, Color Me Healthy, is an event for all fitness levels and ages. From first-time 5K participants to avid runners, we hope this event will encourage multiple individuals from all backgrounds to join! For this reason, this event will be un-timed. We of course welcome participants to keep their own time if they so desire!


Not a runner? (join the club...) Then walk with us! This event is open to everyone who is wanting to be a little more active in their life!

This 5K is all about having fun, while still promoting a healthy active lifestyle! So, get up off the couch and sign-up! 


Why 'Color Me Healthy'?


First-timer for a color event? It's okay! For this event, registered participants will be given a powdered color packet in their event bag. (see below for further information regarding participant details) This little packet of color can be used to throw, yes throw, color onto other event participants during the 5K, or on yourself! 

Throughout the event, there will also be various color stations at different points of the route. Each of these Sponsored stations will have their own powdered color that they will decorate participants with as they pass by! Adding a touch of color to the event will hopefully add some fun, and encourage more individuals to participate!

By the end of the event, we hope most participants are colored from head-to-toe :)

-scroll down for more information about the Powdered Color Packets

**If you aren't interested in the idea of having a little color thrown your way, this race might not be up your alley. We understand that there are individuals who would prefer to not have the powdered color be thrown at them, but it is too difficult for us as an organization to prevent in this particular event. Event participants will have their own powdered color packets that they will be using during the 5K on other particpants, and because of this along with the color stations, we will be unable to guarantee that you will not be touched by the color! We are sorry if this will exclude you from our event, but we hope you give it a try!**






Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Color Me Healthy:

So, About these Color Packets...


What you Get: Each registered participant will receive 1 powdered color packet in their Event Bag! Other individual color packets are available for purchase using the online Store tab on the Event page as well!


What is it?: This powder is made up of food and cosmetic grade products, making it a safe option for adding some fun to this event! It's a little packet of colored powder, that will add some colored flair to you and other participants!


Clean up Process?:   Easy Peasy. This lovely colored powder comes off with simply some water! On yourself, on the ground, on your clothes, etc. It's similar to sidewalk chalk in terms of how much residue it will leave. It's bio-degradable! Use the garden hose, take a shower, it's just that easy.


Side Note: There are of course precautions we give to all participants regarding the colored powder, as there are with anything...from the manufacturer.


We recommend using the powder only as directed, for the fun use of coloring yourself and other particpants.

DO NOT throw powder directly at or in someone's face, do not ingest, do not use in an enclosed or congested environment, never use near an open flame or excessive heat source.  


**By registering yourself or others to be a participant in this event, you are accepting and agreeing to the terms of the event including the precautions of using this colored powder.**                 


More 5K Information:

Event Bag:

Each registered participant over the age of 12, will receive an Event Bag on the day of the event when you arrive and check-in. 

What's in the Bag?

Well, we're glad you asked! Our event bags are full of all kinds of goodies:

  • Event T-Shirt                      -So you can prove to your friends you actually did a 5K!
  • 1 Powdered Color Packet  -remember, colors will vary. Think of yourself as a rainbow when you cross the finish line
  • Some Sweet Shades         -It's Summer, block that sunshine and add a pop of color to your 5K outfit
  • Bottled Water                     -Again, it's Summer. Stay hydrated folks.
  • Sunscreen                         -Let your skin turn red from the color packets, not that Summer sunshine!
  • 5K Route Map                   -Lincoln may be tiny, but we don't want anyone getting lost!
Excited yet?


If you are registering a kiddo who is under the age of 12, their registration is free to particpate in the 5K, but they unfortunately will not receive an event bag. But, if you'd like to purchase them an event T-Shirt or individual powdered color packet, you can do so by checking out the Store tab on this Event site!


Picking up Your Event Bag: 


This will happen the day of the event, when you arrive to check-in. Bring your registration receipt with you, so we will know who you are, what size of shirt you need, etc!

*If you would like to have your t-shirt ahead of time, to get all crafty and make it fancy before the race, please contact us via email and arrange a way to come pick up your event bag! Just be sure to bring it with you on the day of the event, because we won't have extras!*


What to Wear:

Event Dress Code:


Well, Rule #1: We want you to be colorful. 

Color Me Healthy, means we want you to leave the event being doused in color from head-to-toe. The Event T-shirts that will provided for each registered particpant who receives an event bag, are white, and by the end of the 5K you will be a lovely array of different colors. 

Outfit Ideas:

Be creative! Anything that you will be comfortable wearing during the event, we encourage. (within reason of course) Do some internet searching for inspiration! Whether you come in a tutu, neon socks, rainbow zebra pants and suspenders, or basic clothes. The whole concept is for you and your family and friends to come out and have a little fun while you're promoting an active lifestyle! 


We STRONGLY encourage teams! Safety in numbers, right? Grab a few of your close friends, some of your co-workers, spouses and significant others, etc. and help encourage and support eachother in making healthy choices! We all are more apt to be involved in something when we have a little support in the ring, so invite some people to be on your team! BONUS: There's a team discount! When there is group of 3 or more participants, who are not family, there is a $10 group discount! For a family, living in the same household, with 3 or more particpants there's a discount of $5 PER PERSON! 


Pick a theme! Wear matching socks, shoelaces, dress up like superheros, wear colorful crazy wigs, channel your inner creativity and have a little fun with it! Whether it's something simple or you go all out, have as much fun as you can!

Not the creative type? Let your event T-shirt be your costume! We will make sure you are nice and colorful by the end of the 5K, don't you worry.





Event Route Maps

There are TWO route options for this event!

*5K route & a 3K route! 


Pick whichever route you'd like to take! Remember, if you're not a runner come out and walk with us!


The Event Route maps are also available on our Facebook Event page or the Live Healthy Lincoln County Facebook page, and will also be included in your Event Bag!




Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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