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Birthday Bash 5K

Sat July 15, 2017 Overland Park, KS 66210 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

7:30AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT

Kids Fun Run

8:45AM CDT
Open to ages 1 - 12.

Virtual 5k

7:30AM CDT


Corporate Woods : Building 40
9401 Indian Creek Parkway
Overland Park, KS US 66210





You're invited to help us blow out the candles on our second annual American Cancer Society Birthday Bash 5k. Grab your party hat, a noise maker, your tennis shoes and cover your birthday suit for this piece of cake race! Give yourself the gift of celebrating lives saved from cancer and honor those who have fought. 

This run/walk race is family-friendly, stroller-friendly and will be chip-timed. All race registrants will receive a T-shirt (if registered by June 15, 2017) and a finishers medal at the end of the race. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Packet Pickup

Packet Pickup Locations: 

Thursday, July 13, 2017
Time: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Genesis Health Club
6700 W 110th Street
Overland Park, KS 66211


Friday, July 14, 2017    
Time: 4-7 p.m.
KC Running Store- Leawood Store
4760 W.135th Street 
Leawood, Kansas 66224


Race Day Packet Pickup:
At race site (Corporate Woods) starting at 6:30 a.m.


Recognition will be given to the top female and male finisher in each age group. Prizes will be awarded to the top female and male overall finishers. 

Finisher Medals

All 5K finishers will receive a finisher's medal at the end of the race. 

T-Shirt Guarantee

To guarantee a T-shirt you must be registered by June 15, 2017.  After June 15, 2017 we cannot guarantee that you will receive a T-shirt at registration, but it is possible we will have extra shirts to give out at the race.

FAQ's About Birthday Bash

Q: Do I need to be seasoned runner to participate?
A: NO. Our event is all about being active, encouraging each other to make healthy choices and spending time with friends and family. You can run, walk or push you little ones in a stroller. If you are interested in your time, this event will be chip timed.

Q: What is included with my Birthday Bash 5K registration?
A: As long as you are registered by June 15, 2017 each registered runner will receive the 2017 Birthday Bash 5K race T-shirt, race packet with chip timer, finisher medal and entry into the event.

Q: Where do we pick up our race packet?
A: All runners can pick up their race packet on either Thursday, July 13, 2017 from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. at Genesis Health Club: 6700 W 110th Street, Overland Park, KS 66211 OR Friday, July 14 from 4-7 p.m. at the KC Running Store location:  4760 W 135th Street Leawood, KS. OR your race packet will be available the day of the event at 6:30am up to approx. 30 min. prior to the race start for the Check-In Party!!

Q: Why does the American Cancer Society sponsor this event?
A: The American Cancer Society wants to help be part of a movement to get people healthy, and help them stay healthy through education, lifestyle and awareness. We hope by participating in this event, it might kick start better health routines of our participants.

Q: Can I run with a jogging stroller and my kids?
A: YES. Strollers are welcome, and all kids 12 and under can run with an adult FREE of charge and do not need to register! However, if children want to participate in the Kids Fun Run, it is suggested they be registered to receive a race packet, T-shirt and medal. Unregistered children do not get the race packet, T-shirt or a finishers medal.

Q: Can I run with my dog/cat/turtle?
A: For the safety of our runners and animal friends, we do not allow animals at this event. However, American Cancer Society Bark For Life events are noncompetitive walk events for dogs and their owners to raise funds and awareness for the American Cancer Society's fight against cancer. Please search, Bark For Life at to find the event nearest you.

Q: Is Birthday Bash 5K timed?
A: Yes, this is a timed event, however we want all participants to be comfortable running or walking at their own pace.   Awards will be given for those with the best times. See event website for more information regarding award categories.

Q: Are there refunds?
A: No. If an event is held as scheduled, we cannot issue refunds. The logistics of setting up and planning the event make it impossible. In the event of rain, we will still be running!  If there are major weather warnings stay tuned to our registration site for updates at

Race Day Registration

You can register for this race on race day at the race packet pick-up tent. The cost to register on the day of the race is $40 cash or check and there is no guarantee of a race T-shirt or race packet. 



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Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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