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CoronaBuster 5K

Thu October 1 - Sun October 4 Lexington, KY 40504 US Directions


2080 Georgian Way
Lexington, KY US 40504


The CoronaBuster 5K is a great way to get outdoors and be active during the Coronavirus pandemic.  It will take place during the FCPS fall break (October 1-4).  Between those dates, participants may run/walk their 5K any time they choose, and ANYWHERE they choose.  This will ensure that we remain socially distant while participating. 

The CoronaBuster 5K is also a terrific way to support the Beaumont Middle School Volleyball Team.  The BMS Volleyball Team has a variety of expenses every year, and this season is no different.  This is the only fundraiser we will be able to do this year, so show your support by signing up to participate today!

It costs $30 to be a participant, and each participant will receive a t-shirt (made by BMS students in the BMS Entrepreneurship Program... who also came up with the name for this event).  We will have a drive through t-shirt pick up at Beaumont Middle School on Wednesday, September 30th from 4:30-7:30.

Bust through the Coronavirus and sign up today!

Race Contact Info

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