2000 Winchester Road
Lexington, KY US 40509
We support our FDHS Cross Country runners from the sidelines. This fundraiser is your opportunity to get off the sidelines and support them with your feet! Or maybe, if you prefer, just with your wallet! And...get a team t-shirt too!
Participate in this virtual run from wherever you are. Run or walk a 5K. This is the same distance the team runs in competitions. Have fun with this! Set a personal goal. Compare your times to the runner you are supporting. Race a friend or family member.
100% of the proceeds from this run will go to the FDHS Cross Country Team. The proceeds will go help the team purchase uniforms, insurance, and race fees. The team hopes to earn $1500 to cover expenses for the season.
All participants will get a team t-shirt designed by our seniors!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.