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Run to Stop Hate

Fri April 16 - Sun April 18 Lexington, KY 40502 US


317 S. Ashland Avenue
Lexington, KY US 40502


John's Run/Walk Shop has partnered up with HOKA One One to put on a virtual event to benefit Stop AAPI Hate: an amazing reporting center for anti-Asian hate incidents aggravated by COVID-19 that documents these hate incidents and supports advocacy for the Asian community. All participants are eligible to win a free pair of Hoka shoes!

Here are the details:
There is a $5 entry fee, and you can make additional donations here on the race website.
Run at least a mile between April 16 and April 18.
Post your run on social media with #STOPAAPIHATE and #JRWS to be entered into the drawing to win a pair of Hoka shoes!
All the money raised will go to the Stop AAPI Hate!

Race Contact Info

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