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Kentucky Dream 5k

Fri June 4, 2021 Louisville, KY 40243 US Directions


Women's 5k

8:00PM EDT - 8:20PM EDT

Men's 5k

8:30PM EDT - 8:45PM EDT


12400 Old Shelbyville Rd
Louisville, KY US 40243


The track 5k is planned in coordination with the Kentucky Elementary Dream Mile with the goal of showcasing elite runners giving our young runners something to Dream about!  We are planning this on short notice as COVID protocols are slowly being relaxed, so forgive the late notice.

Our goal is to set up an opportunity for great racing and fast conditions.

Race Schedule

8:00 Elite Women's 5k

8:30 Elite Men's 5k

If there is demand we may consider adding a second section of men, women, or both in the 9:00pm hour.

Please direct questions to Mike Horan  Please share this with other athletes who may be interested.  If you are unable to attend this race but would be interested in hearing about events like this in the future please complete our form:


Race Contact Info

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