Richmond, KY US 40475
This Race is a mixture of functional fitness moves and 3 miles of running in between stations. There will be an elite division and an RX division. The workout will flow like this:
-50 wall balls
-800m run
-100 box step ups
-800m run
-30 sandbag over shoulder
-800m run
-400m farmers carry
-800 run
-300 ft sandbag burpee front toss
-800m ruck*
-300 ft sandbag pull through
-800m ruck*
-50 wall balls
-20/14 wall balls
-24/20” box
-100/60 sandbag over shoulder
-50/35 farmers carry
-60/40 sandbag front toss
-60/40 pull through
-60/40 ruck
-14/10 wall balls
-24/20” box
-60/40 sandbag over shoulder
-35/20 farmer carry
-burpee broad jumps in place of front toss
-bear crawl in place of pull through
-running instead of ruck
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.