Join The Raelynn Project in lighting up downtown in honor of all of the families who have lost a child via pregnancy and infant loss.
The course will be lit up with luminaries which represent the babies that were taken too soon. Remember your angel or support those who have experienced the loss of a child by participating in our glow run/ walk.
Race entry is $25 which includes race bib, tee shirt, and glow sticks.
You can purchase a personalized honorary luminary with your baby's name for $5.
We are also hosting in partnership a Virtual option for those who want to participate all across the country. All you do is complete the 5K distance, and report back to us with a photo of you and your finishing time. We will add you to the list to determine winners. (submit your photos and race times to:
Medals will be sent to the winners after the race date.
All proceeds will benefit the Raelynn Project who serves and supports families through their pregnancy and infant loss journeys. We provide care packages, community events, and resources to families who have experienced the loss of a child.
Race Contact Info
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.