Kelsey's Goal

On January 8th, 2008, Kelsey Favrot was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor known as Gliomatosis Cerebri. During the next 20 months, Kelsey underwent surgery, radiation and chemotherapy with courage, hope and grace. Unfortunately, she had to receive treatment out of town because none of the hospitals in New Orleans had a physician whose primary focus was neuro-oncology. The distance was a hardship for Kelsey, her family and friends, who would have preferred she remain in New Orleans for care so they could be at her side. Throughout her treatment, Kelsey expressed concern for those brain cancer patients unable to travel out of state, whether constrained by their illness or financial considerations. With characteristic determination, Kelsey began to explore ways to assist those who would face a brain cancer diagnosis in the future. Kelsey succumbed to brain cancer in August 2009.
To find out more about Kelsey's Goal, visit