Raceland, LA US 70394
Race Date
January 27th, 2024
Race Day Times
7:00am - Race Day Registration and Packet Pick up
8:15am - Warm Up
8:30am - 5K Begins (ages 12 and up)
Following 5K - Kids Half Mile Fun Run Begins
Entry Fees
Early Registration By 12/31/23 (t-shirt included)
$25.00 per 5K Runner
$15.00 per Child Fun Runner
Registration 1/1/24 to race day (t-shirt included until 1/19/24)
$30.00 per 5K Runner
$20.00 per Child Fun Runner
Timing and Scoring
The race will be electronically timed and scored. You must wear your race bib properly to be scored. The bib must be worn on the front of your torso and be visible at the finish line.
Awards will be presented upon completion of the Kids Fun Runs. 5K overall top 3 males and females as well as top male and female in each age category will be recognized. Top 3 males and females will be recognized for each Kids Fun Run Race.
After Party / Add on
Please join us after the race for our annual cook-off. Purchase $15 in tickets at the time of registration for only $10. Tickets may be used for any of the offerings at the cook-off including food, drinks, sweets, etc..
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.