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Lights in the Parkway 5K

Wed November 26, 2025 Allentown, PA 18103 US Directions

Course Map

The course is a rolling course and stays entirely within the Parkway.  The race starts and finishes at the same location (near the barn on Park Drive)  Runners will start off and run towards the police academy.  Near the Police Academy, runners will move from the road to the tow path and run along side the creek until the Robinhood Bridge.  Runners will then re-connect with the road, do a quick out/back over the bridge and then run to the top of the hill near the main entrance.  At the top, runners will do a turnaround and run the next mile through the lights display to the top of the hill.  Runners will then take a right turn and run down the hill by way of the access road and finish up at the starting line.


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