How far do I have to run, walk, hop or crawl?
As far as you like. Mileage will be tracked up to 70.3 miles for one loop and 140.6 for two loops.
How long do I have to complete this?
From Oct. 1, 2020 through Nov. 30, 2020.
Do I have to start on Oct. 1, 2020?
No, you can start anytime you like.
Can I use miles tracked before Oct. 1, 2020?
No. This event is only for activities performed Oct 1 through Nov 30.
What kind of miles can be counted?
Miles can only be counted when that is the primary activity engaged in and it is measurable.
- use a premeasured course.
- use a device (ie Garmin) that will measure distance.
- walk/run and afterwards use google maps, mapmyrun, or plot-a-route to get distance.
- treadmills are allowed if they provide distance.
- NOT ALLOWED - daily steps accumulated on a fitness app or golfing, etc. - not primary activity.
- NOT ALLOWED - biking, rollerblading, skateboarding, scooters... you get the idea.
Do I need some type of app or device to upload mile?
Nope, you only need a way to figure out how far you went (see above) and the ability to type that in.
Can I still enter miles if I missed a day or I signed up after the race start?
Yes, you can always go back to a prior day and enter your mileage.
Can multiple entries be made in one day (ie: I ran twice)
Yes and No. Only one entry per day will be counted. So:
- If you plan to perform an activity multiple times per day, enter the total time and total distance for that day.
- If you already made an entry for that day, simply re-enter the total time and total distance. Your prior entry will be REPLACED.
Can my children participate?
Yes, they can. We just ask that you allow them to only do activities that are acceptable for their age.
Can I correct an entry made in error?
Yes, just select the corresponding activity date, race, and activity with the correct information and it will be replaced.
How do I get my User ID and User Link to enter activities?
At the end of the registration process, click the Get My User ID button. Your User ID and User Link will be displayed.
How do I find my User ID, User Link?
Use the Find_User feature on the top menu. Provide the requested information to get your User ID and User Link.
Where can I find my activity entry form?
Your personal activity entry form is found on the event page. You must be logged in to use it as we need to know who you are.
How can I log in?
On the home page, enter your User ID, or enter your User Link on your browser address bar, or use the Find_User page found in the menu to lookup your info and use the Log Me In button.
Why don't I see my activity entry form anymore?
The system will remember you until you shut down all instances of your browser, or another User ID is logged in.