Virtual Event
Those who choose to race virtually will have the freedom to sleep-in and run wherever they choose from February 18-28, 2024. Hit the trails in the afternoon or a treadmill while watching Netflix. Your call!
Results Submission:
Please submit results during the virtual race window of February 18-28, 2024. Submit Virtual Results using this link:
Packet Pickup:
Virtual participants may attend the same packet pickup as the live event participants.
Friday February 16, 2023 10:00 AM -7:00 PM
RaceMaker Productions Shop
Located at The Shops at Perry Crossing
351 Marketplace Mile Suite 110 Plainfield, Indiana 46168
- We are located on the inside north/south strip of the mall. We are on the east side and just south of Old Navy/Dicks Sporting Goods and north of Lane Bryant.
Packet Shipping:
Don't want to attend Packet Pickup? No problem. You will have the option to add-on shipping to your registration. We will start shipping the Virtual Packets on Friday, February 16th.
Stuff We All Get: Virtual Participants
- Fun 5k to run anywhere and anytime (with anyone -wink, wink) between February 18-February 28)
- Electronic Result Submission via Website (will display your results, finisher cert, etc)
- Comfy, Cozy, and Super Stylish Tee
- Gorgeous Lovestruck Run Indy Finisher Medal
- Real Race Bib for your chosen status (Single, Taken, Complicated), AND your own Custom Message (Must register by 1/30/23)
- Custom Digital Finisher Certificate
- **Virtual Participants can pick up packets at the scheduled PPU, or add shipping during registration**