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FALMOUTH RUNNING CLUB Virtual 5 x 5K Challenge

Mon April 26 - Sun May 30 Falmouth, MA 02540 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


661 Main Street
Falmouth, MA US 02540


OBJECT:        To do a 5k each week for a total of 5 weeks
GOAL:            To improve your 5k time
PLAN:             All Walk, Walk/Run or All Run.  The Challenge is to get you moving and give you a fun, pre-summer goal.  Do your miles outside, inside, or both…whatever works for you!
BEGINS:        Monday, April 26, 2021
ENDS:            Sunday, May 30, 2021
COST:            $15 - includes awesome new FRC poly-blend long sleeved 5x5k Challenge T-Shirt!! (Unisex sizing)
1)   Each week, beginning Monday, April 26, (Monday thru Sunday) for 5 weeks runners/walkers will do their own 5k course on their own time and submit their time by midnight on Sunday at the end of each week.
2)   The goal is to improve your time each week with the last week (week 5), hopefully, being your fastest 5k time.
3)   Everyone that completes all 5 weeks and submits their time by the Sunday deadline each week at midnight will be eligible for Random Raffle prizes to be determined following the Challenge. (if you miss a week or post late you will not be eligible for prizes).
4)  This event is to challenge YOU! So have FUN and play fair please!


(please note that you will be able to upload results to your registration page when the event becomes live on April 26th - more information to follow at a later date)

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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