300 Soule Rd
Wilbraham, MA US 01095
October 21, 2023
Check-in: 9:00AM
Race start: 10:00AM
Cost: $20.00
First 100 to sign-up will receive a free t-shirt
Falcons Swim Club has been the foundation for competitive swimming in Hampden and Wilbraham since the early 1970s. Over those years, thousands of children have learned the benefits of swimming and the joy of contributing to the success of the team while representing their towns. The team is currently coached by a High School Hall of Fame Coach, Erik Mandell, and a core group of experienced coaches.
Falcons Swim Club is hosting a family run/walk to allow new swimmers and past swimmers to connect. The proceeds made for this race will be contributed back to Falcon swimmers of today.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.