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Smith's Country Cheese Chase 5K Fun Run & Kids Holstein Hustle

Sun May 17, 2020 Winchendon, MA 01475 US Directions


Cheese Chase 5K Fun Run

11:00AM EDT - 11:45AM EDT

Kids Holstein Hustle

10:30AM EDT - 10:45AM EDT


Winchendon, MA US 01475


Cheese + Community = The Smith's Country Cheese 5K Charity Cheese Chase & Kids' Holstein Hustle AND Cheese Fest!

We're showing our love to the community that has showed us so much support by donating all race proceeds to the Murdock Blue Devil Athletics!

Let's get mooo-ving! Our 5K fun-run route starts and ends at our picturesque dairy farm and takes you through the beautiful back roads of Winchendon. Run it, walk it, skip it--cheese enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to participate. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Kids ages 3-12 are invited to sign up for the Kids' Holstein Hustle and run an exciting course through the barn! All registered runners will receive a race t-shirt, Smith's Country Cheese cheddar stick and registered runners who are 21 years and older will get a glass of beer! COME FOR THE RUN AND STAY FOR SOME FUN! Our fourth annual Cheesefest--complete with food vendors, beer and wine, bounce houses, and live music will begin immediately following the 5K!

Order of Events: 10:30AM Kids Holstein Hustle, 11:00AM 5-5-5K Cheese Chase, ending with Cheesefest!

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