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I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream Virtual Run 5K

Mon June 15 - Wed July 15 Baltimore, MD 21201 US



Baltimore, MD US 21201


Did you know that National Ice Cream Day  is July 19th, 2020? Let’s run (or walk) for Ice Cream! Join our National Ice Cream Day 5K, As the shirt says, “I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream” All participants will receive a sweet performance shirt!  

What: This is a 5K virtual run (or walk) to celebrate National Ice Cream Day! 

When: Complete your race any time in June/July 2020, even better if it’s July 19th!

Where:  You choose the course and you time yourself and then report your time on Run Sign Up's results tab!

A portion of every entry will be donated to Feed America. Feeding America is a United States–based nonprofit organization that is a nationwide network of more than 200 food banks that feed more than 46 million people through food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and other community-based agencies.

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