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Virtual Run and/or Bike Across Maryland

Mon June 22 - Mon September 14


306 Run Miles
612 Bike Miles
462 Bike & 150 Run Miles
108 Run or Walk Miles
217 Bike Miles
167 Bike & 50 Run Miles

Virtual race Website

Additional virtual race information can be found at


This virtual event is designed to inspire you to “keep moving” and remain “race ready“, while having fun with your friends and family! Join us from June 22nd – September 14th. The event will take place over 12 weeks to give you the flexibility to complete all the challenge miles.

You can use any run or bike workout that you track with a device beginning June 22,  even if you are using those miles for other events. If you like MORE MILES join as an INDIVIDUAL. If you want LESS MILES join as a RELAY TEAM!

Virtual race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this virtual race, click the button below.


FULL RUN CHALLENGE: Run from Deep Creek Lake to Ocean City = 306 Miles (Run 25.5 mile average per week)
SHORT RUN CHALLENGE: Run from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to Ocean City = 108 Miles (Run 9 mile average per week)


FULL BIKE CHALLENGE: Bike from Ocean City to Deep Creek Lake and back to Ocean City = 612 Miles (51 miles average, per week)
SHORT BIKE CHALLENGE: Bike from Ocean City to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and back to Ocean City = 217 Miles (18 mile average per week) 


FULL MULTISPORT CHALLENGE: Bike/Run Combo from Ocean City to Deep Creek Lake and back to Ocean City = 612 Total, 462 Bike and 150 Run Miles (38.5 Bike miles  and 12.5 Run miles average, per week)*
SHORT MULTISPORT CHALLENGE: Bike/Run Combo from Ocean City to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Deep Creek Lake and back to Ocean City = 217 Total, 167 Bike and 50 Run Miles (14 Bike miles and 4.2 Run miles average, per week)*


*Multisport participants can long biking and running miles in any order. However, they must only record bike mile for the bike portion and run miles for the run portion.

Check out the Swag!

Race shirt and Custom finisher medal will be mailed to you.

Registration Fees

Fee includes race shirt and finisher medal mailed directly to you.

$40.00– from June 5th – 11th

$45.00– from June 12th – June 18th

$50.00– from June 19th on

Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Virtual Process

Here are the easy steps to follow to get the most out of your virtual experience.

  1. Register Online– for one of the three categories: Run, Bike, or Run/Bike
  2. Join Facebook Group– to share pre-race photos and workouts and then photos of your race day experience.
  3. Recruit Friends– we want to see how many areas of the country we can get people involved, but we need your help!
  4. Pre-Challenge Communication– we will send you information as we get closer to the start of the Challenge to help you get ready and to learn how to submit your results daily.
  5. Swag Delivery– we will submit the order for shirts and medals on July 1. You will get your swag mailed to your front door at the mid point of the challenge.
  6. Run, Cycle, or do a combination of both– beginning June 22 your can run on a treadmill, trail or the road. You can bike on a trainer, trail or road.
  7. Submit Results Daily– your results can be uploaded daily with your miles and time.
  8. Submit Photos– from your runs or rides and share on the Facebook group page.
  9. Check Results– as results get submitted by participants it will update daily so you can watch the leader board.

Join a Team!

We have two Team contests to create some FUN! Invite friends and family members to join you on this challenge by creating a team to support each other! Come up with a team name and be sure that everyone enters it during registration. We will have the following results for the Team competition…

Largest Team– having the most team members registered
Tour Team– having the most states represented on your team  

Charitable Giving

At Racine MultiSports, we want to do our part to support the communities where we hold our events. In alignment with our mission, we have decided to support the Chesapeake Bay Foundation through donations collected from this event. Given our Maryland theme, its appropriate to align with an organization that has tremendous impact on this state. As you virtual navigate the course for this challenge you will cross over the beautiful Chesapeake Bay. During registration you will have the opportunity to make a tax deductible donation for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF). Your tax-deductible gift to CBF will restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay, its rivers, and its streams for generations to come. It is only through your critical support that our on-the-ground restoration, advocacy, education, and litigation efforts are possible. Thank you for standing up for this national treasure and for making CBF a part of your life. We thank you for considering helping this effort!


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Virtual race Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your virtual race experience.

Did you participate in the virtual race?
Would you recommend this virtual race to a friend?

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