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New Year's Day ReGift It 5k

Fri January 1 - Sun January 3 Bar Harbor, ME 04609 US Directions



12:00AM EST - 8:00PM EST


21 Park St
Bar Harbor, ME US 04609


Let's start 2021 off right with a healthy 5k challenge and a closet clean out! We have amassed some prizes, shirts, medals, glassware, hats, and more over the years and its time to re-gift! 

Participants who sign up for our virtual 5k can run our local 5k course or chose their own to run on January 1, 2 or 3, 2021. All times need to be submitted by 8pm on January 3 to

Then the surprises begin! All finishers can drop by the MDI YMCA  January 5-10, to pick up their goodie bag of gear! Everyone will receive a shirt and medal, of some sort, along with other re-gifted prizes!

Let's start with a healthy and fun 2021!

Shirt sizes are limited to our inventory.  Register early!

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