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Gorham Bike & Ski Presents... The TruStrength Uphill Cup Series - Race #1 Jan 15th

Sat January 15, 2022 Greenwood, ME 04255 US Directions



Mout Abram, 308 Howe Hill Rd #3112
Greenwood, ME US 04255


This race page is for Race #1 of 4 in this Series. Please be sure to sign up for the other 3!

Gorham Bike & Ski is excited to present The TruStrength Uphill Cup Series this season! It is an uphill/downhill racing series. (Skimo, alpine touring, telemark, split board etc). The series consists of four total solo races for the season. Each course will also have a Recreational short course for skiers that want to participate but don’t want to race.

TruStrength Series race schedule:
Sat Jan 15th solo (appx 2.5k vert full course, 1k lap for short)
Sat Jan 29th solo and 4 person relays Click Here!
Sat Feb 19 solo and 2 person Team Click Here!
Sat Mar 12 (w/ Baxter Outdoors) solo Click Here!

Race details:
The series will consist of solo racer events at each date. There will be a lightweight gear and heavy metal division at each race. Racers from each category will be ranked and given points for their placing. Points from each race will be totaled for the season and we will crown overall Cup Champions from each division.
 Race #1 preliminary map can be found here:Race #1 map *RD may make changes as event nears. 

Expected Full Course will consist of approximately 2,500 ft of vertical with 1 long lap and 2 short laps. There will be 3 short boot packs and several transitions. Exact course will be determined by snow conditions. Short Course will consist of 1 single full top to bottom loop. This is an unranked division and thus racers can choose to descend any trail that best suits their ability with no penalty.

Requirements for all races:
·      All "Skimo" category racers must wear a helmet
·      A single ski/binding weight of 1,360 grams (3 lbs) will be the cutoff for entering the Heavy Metal Division. Boots may be factored in at RD's discretion.
·      Poles need to be on snow during transitions
·      All "skimo & heavy metal" racers must have a pack that skis can attach to for races requiring a boot pack section. Short course will not need a bag.
·      A tow line can be implemented in the 2 Person Team race (ascent only)
·      Other rules may be imposed by the race director at each event
·      Racers are NOT required to wear masks while outside by the RD, if the resort imposes this that will be outside our choice). Racers will abide by the resort rules for indoor usage of masks
·      Racers please provide proof of a natural occurring infection of COVID19 within past 3 months, proof of COVID vax, or a negative test result within three days of racing. Racers should not attend if they are symptomatic. 
·      We believe in personal privacy but also in public health and safety. We are giving lots of safe options here so please don’t let this be a reason for not racing

Race Contact Info

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