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Georgetown Speedgolf

Sun October 29, 2017 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 US Directions


Georgetown Speedgolf

10:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


1365 King George Boulevard
Ann Arbor, MI US 48108


Sunday, October 29th. 10:00am to 12:00pm


WHAT: Speed Golf @ Georgetown Golf Course

WHEN: Sunday, October 29th, 2017


  • $20 thru 9/30
  • $25 thru 10/22
  • $30 thru 10/27

TIME: First tee off is at 10am and there will be a 5-minute stagger between players.

VENUE: Georgetown Golf Course. 1365 King George Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

PARTICIPANTS: Anyone can join the event! All you need is a pair of running shoes and a golf club. We have clubs and golf balls if you need them. (See below on rules about golf clubs) There will be a cap on participants so don't hesitate to signup. You will also want to bring something to carry your golfballs in. Something like the Nathan Marathon Pak works well.

TEE TIMES: We will seed speedgolfers based on their estimated 5k time. Tee times will be sent out Friday before the event. Your tee time will be between 10:00am and around 12:00pm for planning purposes.

SPOTTERS: You are welcome to have someone run with you to keep track of your score and to spot the ball for you.

RULES: For official Speedgolf rules visit...

  • Golfers can carry up to 7 clubs... but for this event we recommend 1-2 clubs.
  • Seniors and Juniors will all play the same holes to keep it equal and fair.
  • We will do our best to stagger the start times sending out our best conditioned and lower handicapped golfers out first, however in Speedgolf the golfer from behind has the right away, so if you get caught, you're required to get out of the way of the golfer that has caught you. You can continue to move forward as long as you're not disrupting the pace of play of the golfer that is passing you.
  • Lost balls and out of bounds will be played as hazards, take your nearest point of relief no closer to the hole and your 1 stroke penalty
  • As this is an event comprised of total time and also amount of strokes (see scoring below), It is important to be honest about keeping tabs on strokes per hole

SCORING: This will be a timed event, so at the conclusion of your 9 holes you will take your total # of strokes and add it to the time that it took you to play the round. So for example if you play 9 holes in 45 strokes and it takes you 40 minutes to play 9 holes, your total 9 hole Speedgolf score would be 85.

Speedgolf is a fun, fast, and fitness-oriented alternative to traditional golf. The results are clear: playing faster than average leads to more fun, increased fitness, greater imagination, and ultimately, improved performance. It's no wonder golfers of all ages, skill levels, and fitness profiles are learning to play and enjoy Speedgolf at their own pace!

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